When you feel safe and secure you get more and better sleep. This not only goes for us, with our comfy blankets, warm duvets and soft sheets, but for our babies as well.
As its comfortable, secure days in mummy's tummy are fresh in its memory, your baby needs that recognisable sensation. And what better way to recreate that happiness than sleeping in a swaddle sleeping bag? But a swaddle bag offers even more benefits: for instance, a swaddle sleeping bag considerably reduces the risk of cot death because your baby can’t turn onto its stomach or slip beneath the blanket. It's a universal remedy that brings more relaxation and reduces stress – for everyone.

More rest, less stress
Tight swaddling is an ancient custom that truly helps but the modern preference is towards a swaddle sleeping bag. It is slightly less tight and better regulates your baby's body temperature. And it genuinely works: this is because a swaddle sleeping bag reminds your baby of the months spent in mummy's tummy: limited space to move, arms close to its body and in front of its chest, legs slightly pulled up, snuggly warm and protected by the soft uterus wall. A wonderful, restful and carefree time. A swaddle sleeping bag helps restless sleepers, reduces the Moro reflex and soothes your baby’s small pains such as stomach cramps, teething, etc.
A regular sleep pattern
Since a swaddle sleeping bag is so inextricably bound with naps, your baby will quickly link this wonderful sense of security with ‘time for bed’. So be sure to use the swaddle sleeping bag whenever you put your baby down to sleep because this fosters a healthy and regular sleeping pattern.
Optimum heat regulation
A major source of concern for parents with small children is their baby's body temperature. Small babies are not yet able to regulate their own temperature, making the room's temperature and the type of bedding essential care aspects for young parents. A swaddle sleeping bag eliminates many of those worries because your baby is wonderfully warm on cold nights and doesn't overheat as night temperatures start to climb.
Convinced of the use of swaddle sleeping bags? Then be sure to look for a model that suits your baby to a T. Literally. The sleeping bag must fit snugly, without being overly tight. Puckababy sleeping bags come in all sizes and quite a few are easy to adjust in length. Here's to quiet and blissful naps and less stress for everyone!